Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Art of Simplifying

Dear Friends,
     I'll be honest, I'm having a bit of writer's block lately. I hate the feeling of it. It's as if you have something on the tip of your tongue but don't know how to say it. It's like having this marvelous idea split up into tiny little pieces. You know there's a big picture but you're too close to see it. That's where I'm at. I'm too close to it all.

-- Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. -- 2 Corinthians 5:17

     This year, I really want to encourage a simplified way of living as I have before. So, today, I'll share with you my foundation to a more simplified year. Only one week into 2016 and we already have homework, deadlines, overflowing to-do lists, people to see, new bucket lists, goals to accomplish and lives to live. A few words pop out at me here: craziness, stressful, overwhelming, unmanageable. Let me repeat: ONE WEEK INTO 2016!! It's been a week and we're already jam packed with things to do. I'll admit, I'm guilty of it too, but not proud of it. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem appealing at all. I'm going to share with you something more appealing for not only this week but all 52 of 'em. 

     1. Priorities 
        Our priorities dictate what we do and how we live. If work or school are your top priorities, than they will consume you and demand your attention. We make our own priorities, but that doesn't mean our priorities have to be focused on us. Priorities that support a simplified life are those based on seeking God and strengthening our faith. It's okay to have many interests, but those that are of greatest importance need to be our top priorities. That's why when you have a strong faith and totally trust God, it will be easier to discern what is important. Trust me, I know what it is to totally trust God and to totally trust in self. One life may not be easier, but it is far simpler.

     2. Perspective
        Your perspective is vital to a simple life. After you establish your priorities, you need to establish the way you look at things. What lens are you looking through? Your own or someone else's? I remember all the times I looked through other people's lenses. At first, I liked the way they looked at things, but I realized it wasn't my own lens, my own perspective. We all look at things differently. My lens is different from yours. My perspective is different, my ideas are different too. This year, let's look through our own lenses and appreciate the way we view our lives. Also, focus on that word appreciate. We can't only appreciate the way we see but also what we see. We each have been uniquely blessed, yet we compare our blessings. Through our own lenses, let's focus in on our own blessings and realize how wonderful they are to us individually.

     3. Happiness
        This is a big one guys! So often in the world we live in today we become easily discontent. We focus on what we don't have and what we don't do instead of the opposite. Everyone's "happy" is different. My happy is when I'm doing what I love or when I'm with people I adore. Happiness is making time to do what YOU love to do (not what other people love) because it ends up empowering you. That's happiness. Do things that inspire you, encourage you, and empower you. It will fill you with happiness. It works every time, trust me! When we focus on our own "happy" instead of that of others, it will lead to a more simplified life because we're not worried about over complicating or mixing up all the "happy's" we're trying to be. Our own is good enough.

      4. Crowd Control
          Alright, last one. Crowd control. This year I did what most people do: I looked back on 2015 to analyze what I should be doing differently. Although a few things came to mind, a big one was the crowds. Why am I following so many? I realized they don't lift me up, they lower my self esteem. I've got to get out. So, in 2016, I will. I looked back on everything and everyone I was trying to be, and man it's exhausting. Take a minute and stop to evaluate who you want to be and why. Then, do not go looking for it. You will find it inside you and God. Your truest self is found within you, not a crowd where everyone's the same. That's not very exciting, and let me tell you, you are worth so much more than a crowd. This year I told myself that I should lead the crowds instead of follow them. How revolutionary would that be?

     This is the art of simplifying and it's not that hard. All that's needed is straightening out a few areas of our lives in order to achieve simplicity. It's not that far from our reach, it's right in front of us. The only thing holding you back is your lifestyle. When our priorities, perspective, happiness, and direction glorifies God and brings out the best us, only then can the simple life take over. This year let's be the best versions of us by living the life best for us.


P.S. NEW CARDS UP ON ETSY!! LINK - The Art of Stationary

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