Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Closet Clean Out

Dear Readers,
It’s that time of the year. The time of the year when we receive so much and give so much as well. It’s that time of the year when it gets cold and all my sweaters are acceptable. It’s the time of the year when lots of coffee drinking is encouraged. And it’s time of the year when everything is unnaturally crazy, at least for my family it is, I just assume a general chaos is implied for the last two months of the year.

--Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.-- Matthew 6:19-21

I have to admit, I have prolly somewhere near twenty sweaters. It’s bad, I know, but I can’t help it, I just love sweaters. And I continue to want more. I tell myself this simple equation; if it’s cold outside then I need sweaters. Not the best equation, because then it causes me to spend any money I have for the holidays to buy more sweaters. Sweaters aren’t evil, not at all what I’m saying, I just think it’s my amount of sweaters that may not be the healthiest. It’s not just sweaters that I have an unnatural amount of, it’s a lot of things actually. It is all stored up in my closet, as is most miscellaneous junk. I have a lot of pairs of shoes that don’t fit me, clothes I don’t even look at, and nail polishes that are beyond dried up. That’s my cue for time to clean up now.
Recently, on Monday,  I did a necessary closet clean up. I found piles of dust behind storage bins I don’t even use, so I got rid of  some storage bins. I had about ten shoe boxes I swore I was going to use and threw them all away. And who knew how many bobby pins could fit in one corner? I do, because I found nearly thirty in my clean up. As I finished I was satisfied with my work, but now I don’t think it’s enough, I think I need to do a closet clean out.
What I mean is taking a good look at not only my closet , but also my room, and see how much of this “stuff” I really need. We are told that we need this and we need that, so get this and we get that (and sometimes never use it.) We are buying stuff we don’t need with money we don’t have to please people we don’t know. That’s what it comes down to, is this idea of having to please people by our quantities and not our qualities. We gain all these possessions, and while some may hold some sentimental value and are necessary, a lot of the stuff “we need” is just there for us to have comfort and security. Now this is prolly the most stereotypical form of simplicity you’ve heard. Get rid of the stuff you don’t need in order to achieve a simplified life. I agree 100% with that statement. All these things that we think we need are just crowding our life and determining our social status, when all they really are are distractions from God. God is to be our number one and what do we do? We buy something to replace him and end up putting it in our closets.
So let’s clean out our closets, let’s get rid of all the stuff we don’t use and ultimately don’t need. When I clean out mine, I’m bound to find trinkets from years ago I told myself to hold to, childhood toys I played with when I was eight, and clothes...Oh the clothes. I’m going to need a large trash bag for this. We have all cleaned out our closets before and gotten rid of the stuff we haven’t looked at in a year. But this time it’s going to be different. What I encourage you to do this week is to dig deep into your closets and inside your rooms and clean them out. If you haven’t worn it give it away, if you haven’t read it give it away, and if you have forgotten it, give it away. What I’m saying is don’t get rid of pictures you've had since you were a child, but get rid of the sweater that has turned into a three quarter sleeve shirt. It won’t be easy, going down memory lane and choosing what is worth keeping and what really isn’t, but the result is very much worth it. Your result is more than satisfaction; it’s accomplishment and contentment and a step to a more simplified life. Without all the distractions placed in front of us, it’s easier to see God. With all these chaotic holidays coming up, we should go into them seeking simplicity and with not only an emptier closet but an emptier mind. Without all the things we “need” it’ll be easier to receive and love the things we have, because we see how important they are to us. Let’s clean out our closets so we can find the joy in what God has blessed us with already instead of finding joy in what the world tells us we “need”, even if it’s a whole bunch of sweaters.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Liking Myself and Unfollowing the Crowd

Dear Readers,
I’ll be honest, social media has become a dictating part of my life. I’m prolly (a.k.a probably) not the only one who can relate. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook have taken over our time, opinions, and minds. We live in a constantly wondering society. Wondering if we’re doing the right thing, posting the right thing, commenting and captioning the right thing. I’m wondering and wandering too.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

Ok, I don’t think Instagram is evil and possesses us to do horrible deceitful things. I think we’re the ones at fault there. But, I’ve been in a convicting place lately on the whole social media matter. I’ve been thinking a lot about this and a lot of realizations have come to the surface. At 271 followers and having the top be 68 likes, I’m not content. How messed up is that? I realized something had to change quick or else I’d be discontent for a long time. Social media has created a mask for everyone to wear and feel "surfacely" comfortable. Pressure is involved, and soon all you want is approval of people whom you barely know and who barely know you too. The likes become a scale, if they’re high you’re on a high, and if they’re low, you’re on a low. The picture you posted is merely a vessel for self worth and no longer a memory you just shared.
Social media is a tricky thing, it’s such an easy trap for us all to fall into if we’re not careful. We get sucked into the world of a fake reality and you should look this and talk like that. Social media has been taken over by people who think they have authority to tell us how we should feel and act today. Our generation is one fueled by approval and likes and not simplicity and satisfaction. It is quite a difficult thing to change and take control of, I’m still trying.
        As I try, here’s what I’m doing. I’m in the process of creating a better mindset for when I go on my Instagram. When I do that, I’m in a more secure place and will start to look at it as a source of fun and not a scale of self esteem. Also I unfollowed a bunch of people who only caused discontentment with myself and jealousy too, now I won’t be as easily exposed to that trap. Finally, I post what I want to post and caption what I want to caption. I make my Instagram my own and don’t model it after someone else’s account. Instagram was intended to show people who you are, and now that we’re all posting the same thing, everyone is predictable and boring. With my account, what I’m doing is posting in such a way so that you know it’s me. I’m modeling it after my own interests and personality. It’s not easy to drastically switch your views on social media, which isn’t what I’m saying. What I’m saying is gradually begin to make it your own and enjoy it in such a way that glorifies God and makes you happy with yourself.  Instagram isn't a bad thing, we just have to be in a positive place when using it. Find joy in all you do. 

This week, look at your social media accounts and start to make it one that looks more like you and not someone you follow. As difficult as it sounds, we can make social media more simplified, we just have to let go of the number of likes and winning-approval game. Comment below where you are with your simplifying social media. You could be where I am, in the raw stages where you’re trying to figure this all out, but want to do something about it. Or you could be a little more ahead of the game, you prolly have a hold on the whole make it more my own, but maybe you’re still caught up in the likes and followers. I’d love to know where you’re at, and hope this helps you along the way.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Being Me Around You

Dear Readers,
Ever since I left school, the only thing I’ve missed are the people, well most of the people. The people I met at school changed me, sometimes not in the best way and in other times (most times) in the very best way possible. A lot of people at my old school helped me see and be the person I am today.  

- He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. -
Proverbs 13:20

For my freshman year, I was in a new district and had not attended junior high with the other students. As a result, I didn’t know anybody at the high school. This made everything more difficult. By the second semester, everything seemed to get a little better. I made friends in the first semester, but got to know them so much better in the second. The people I ate lunch with were amazing and became some of my closest friends. I adored everything about them. There was one class that ultimately made everything so much better even to this day - 6th hour Spanish. I know it sounds a little dramatic, but it’s true. I didn't know it at the time but the girl who would become my best friend would be in that class. Unknowingly, we were each searching for a true Godly friend and later found it in each other.We quickly became inseparable.
Even though I only attended high school for two months of my sophomore year, it wasn’t great. Yes, the classes were overwhelming, but it was the influence of the others who made it difficult. It seemed this year was more of a popularity game than anything else. It was vicious and time consuming to try to keep up with everyone around me, I had a chance at being with the “popular” crowd and I seized it. Turns out, it wasn't everything I thought it would be, no High School Musical here. We weren't singing in the cafeteria or right before summer break. High school turned out to be a bit of a let down. One great thing about my sophomore year was 7th hour Spanish, because of the girl whom I met last year. Her name is Kaylee Rhoades and we quickly became each other’s best friends.

The term best friend is thrown around so often and so loosely it’s kind of lost it’s value. I admit I’m guilty of calling everyone my “best friend” eventually. But if one good thing came out of high school it was my best friend. For the longest time I’ve been praying for a friend who will always be there for me and not judge me. In the past I’ve met plenty of people like that, but it was only temporary. Then God introduced me to Kaylee Rhoades and a friendship never felt more right.  She was my answered prayer. When I left school to go back to homeschooling, it made me realize and see the true friends in my life and the relationships I’d like to maintain. Kaylee was on the top of that list.
The reason friends, best friends, are key elements to a simple life is because they have a special ability to bring out the real you. Do you ever get that feeling when you’re around a certain person you feel so comfortable you can just be your truest self? I feel that way around Kaylee and that is the definition of a “best friend”. When living simplified, it’s so important to know your true identity and with a personality defined by you. Now, I’ll be honest, it’s not like you wake up and know your true identity, I’m pretty sure it doesn't happen like that. But I think that’s why God created best friends. They help us find who we are meant to be. Kaylee is my number one supporter and encourages me in all things. She understands me and motivates me be the Emma God has created even though I change so frequently. She’s see the person in me I’m still trying to become, which encourages me to keep searching. People like this are so vital to us because, yes it takes you to find you, but we will need motivation and support along the way.
Those are just a few of the amazing qualities of a best friend, but I need to have those qualities as well. The same way Kaylee supports and motivates me, I have to be there for her and encourage her too. This whole best friend thing is not one sided. We have to wear our half of the best friend necklace too. I’ve never had a relationship like this before, so as things progress between us, I’m still learning what it means to be an ideal best friend. I do know one thing, this time; this “best friend” is real.
God presents us with certain people in order to fulfill his purpose and for us to find ours. We weren’t meant to travel on our paths alone. If we did, we would leave our paths the minute our feet touched it and would never return. In order to stay on our straight and narrow path we need accountability, and that’s what best friends are for. You trust them and they trust you, they challenge you and you challenge them, and both grow in your relationship with God and with each other.
It’s honestly a great feeling to have a best friend and know it’s true. I continue to thank God for my best friend, and still don’t know how I ended up with such an amazing friend like her. She’s my Kay and I’m her Em. Your challenge this week is to identify who that person is, but if you already know, find that person and thank them for all they’ve done for you. Also, encourage them and motivate them the way they do for you. You can even comment below who that person is for you, I’d love to know. Throughout this week keep this in mind; best friends are a rare gift from God in this temporary and fake world.