Sunday, August 28, 2016


Dear Readers,
     This has been quite the week for me. A lot of things have taken place over the course of seven days. As a family we are looking for a new car. As a teenager, I'm getting my first job and getting my license. As a student, I'm learning new things that excite me. As a christian, I'm being challenged in many new ways. All in the span of a week, I've grown tremendously. It wasn't one of those stressful kind of weeks where as a result you grow in who you're becoming. No, it was the kind of week that offered many exciting experiences and opportunities and as a result you grow in who you're ultimately becoming.
     A reoccurring theme throughout this week has been perseverance. That was definitely what God was teaching to me this week. It was popping up everywhere; God likes to get our attention that way. So I decided to acknowledge Him and look a little more into how to better practice perseverance.

-- And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:3 --

     - Pursue what interests you
In the chocolate recipe you add
nutmeg, it makes all the 
difference. It makes it taste 
like a donut shop donut.
     A great way to practice perseverance is find something you're passionate about and STICK WITH IT!! There are plenty of things I'm passionate about in life, but let's be honest here, I don't stick with things as often as I'd like. This past week, I've recognized my love for baking. Yes, I love writing and art and hiking - but I bake prolly more than I consistently do any of my other hobbies. I always get so excited when my mama says she wants to try a new recipe. There's something so simple and humbling about baking. You do all the work, you know everything going into your work, and you ultimately appreciate the result more. I love it!
     So this week my parents had a breakfast out, which meant Jill and I could make something for breakfast. Already getting excited. My sister suggested her favorite - waffles. But my mom said why don't we try donuts. I get to make one of my favorite breakfasts from scratch? Yes please! Baking from scratch is something I simply adore. So, we made donuts; chocolate and snickerdoodle, and oh man, they were so good, so moist and so decadent. They are the type of bakes you rave about...after you've eaten all the evidence. I can't keep something so lovely all to myself so I'll share the recipe with you- Snickerdoodle Donuts & Chocolate Donuts.

     - Practice
     This week I went to the dreaded DMV to get my license. And oh, what the experience it was. Evidently you have to make online appointments, and my dad and I were very unaware of the fact. Frustrated, disappointed, and annoyed I left unlicensed. But it was kinda a good thing actually. See, in order to receive the license I had to master the three point turn resulting in backing up into a parking spot. Not my strong point in any way. We practiced before heading over to the DMV. If backing up into two parking spots at the same time were the goal, I'd nail it. But it's not. I'm choosing to see this as an opportunity for me to practice my backing up skills.
     When it comes to perseverance, practicing an area you wish to become adept in is vital. I want to become a better driver and get my license but if I don't practice I'm not going far (no pun intended). and this doesn't have to be about driving, practice can absolutely apply to any part of your life you want to improve. If you want to up your perseverance, up your practice. Give it effort and give it time. Choose to see it as an opportunity to grow, not something you're dreading.

     - Find purpose
      To gain perseverance, gain a purpose. Your purpose can be whatever you feel God calling you to, but in my case I find it in serving. Serving can apply to so many people in so many definitions, that's why I love it. Same goal, same purpose, just a different execution. I definitely find my purpose and even some passion when it some to serving with my fifth graders at church. They are my whole world. I find that I honor God's kingdom best when I'm pouring into those around me. That's my purpose.
      With an identified purpose, you gain perseverance by consistently giving time and effort to God-honoring activities. You're endurance will increase because it's going towards a goal that excites you. This week, while serving at church, I saw God at work through so many people and it was marvelous. I was witnessing so many people's passions meet God's purpose and that is something truly inspiring. I love weekends like that, it reminds me that I'm exactly where I should be.

     - Have Hope
     There are two different types of hope. One is the kind of hope that is filled with daydreams and someday-things-will-be-betters. The other hope is an active hope where things will improve because you're going to improve them. I experienced both types of Hope this week.
     I had my very first ever job interview on Wednesday. It was for a very unique job and position. Months ago I met a woman who had stared her very own business where she helps other independent business women start their own companies from the ground up. She provides just about everything they'd need to get there business going; social media managing, website design, marketing, and advertisement. Two weeks ago, I reached out to her seeking job opportunities and an earnest offer was made by her and a meeting was quickly set up. The job sounds so amazing and exciting, and I've done my thinking and made my decision. I would like to take it. But now I'm waiting to her back from her on some minor details, and even the bigger picture; can I handle this, can I do this? That's where the hope comes in. I could daydream about how great I'll someday be at this job OR I tell myself "Hey, you got this because we're gonna work for this." That's the mindset I need. I need the type of perspective that says, I'll become better because this is important to me. That's an active hope, that's perseverance, because yet again you're choosing to stick with something because it's a goal and a passion.

     - Persevere with others
      Okay, so those above are all great ways to gain perseverance, but if you're like me, you can tell yourself for about a month you're going to stick with something, then a month later move on. To truly gain perseverance and make it last, you have to be around those who want to gain perseverance as well. You have to be around those who will encourage you when you're ready to move on. they'll restore in you that active hope that's vital to endurance.
This is Rend Collective - now one
of my favorite bands. It truly was
so fun watching them and so many others 
     On Wednesday, our family had the amazing chance to attend the Outcry concert. Spur of the moment concerts really are exceptional. A lot of our favorite Christian bands were playing and it was extraordinary. But my favorite part was watching over 9,000 Christ followers gather together for one purpose; to all praise the same God. Now that was the moving part. Different stories, different reasons for attending, but same Spirit working through everyone. There, we were all encouraged to persevere as one and to unify as one.
     You don't have to attend a concert to receive to same feeling. I feel it every time I step onto my church campus or even when I'm around my friends. It's the sense that we should come to together to achieve the same purpose God has for His people.

     That's perseverance: finding something you're passionate about, practicing it with effort, identifying purpose, achieving an active hope, and being around those who will encourage you to persevere along the way.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Sweet 16

Dear Readers,
Joyride is a yummy little taco joint and is
somewhere I've been wanting to go,
so why not go when it's your birthday? :)
      I know I've absent for quite awhile, but I've also been absent of inspiration and motivation. But I'm not going to fill this up with excuses. This summer has been a roaring one. I traveled to two summer camps, one here in Arizona, the other in California. Both camps have grown me in my faith and the person God has me becoming. He's confirming what I want to be doing. It's very exciting. For my campaign, which has come to an end, was blown out of the water. I had a huge fundraiser with and outstanding turnout of $500 and it really showed how blessed I was with the friends I have. The total amount raised over these eight months was $1500. My campaign has grown me in ways I never imagined. I trust my God better and my perspective has widened as well. Also amongst all the little outings and shenanigans throughout this summer, I turned 16 yesterday. Yes, the big sweet 16! It's funny, I don't feel older, I've been feeling 16 for the past month to be it's just official. The thing I have been feeling is changed. A new sense of maturity and responsibility arise when you turn 16 and a whole new door is opened to you. Looking back, there a few things that I've figured out that I'd like to remember later on in life. Well, not a few, more like 16 little tidbits to hold onto. See what I'm doing here ;)

-- This means that any one who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone, a new life has begun. 2 Corinthians 5:17 -- 

     1) Be content with who you are.
         God designed you exactly the way you are created for a purpose specially planned for you. Be content with with our Creator for He makes no mistakes.

     2) Find joy in the little things.
          Take time to notice all the little things in your every day life that bring you so much joy. Figure what those things are, devote time to them, and appreciate them often.

     3) Live simply.
          Re-prioritize. Line your priorities up in such a way that keeps God the center, honor those you love, and even growing yourself. In that order too. Always keep God first, it makes all the difference.

     4) Do more of what makes you happy.
          Find the things in your life that simply make you smile and make you who you are, and devote more time to doing those certain activities. It's very important that we take time to do the things that make us happy as well.

     5) Find a friend.
          Find someone in your life whom you can be totally comfortable around. It took me forever to find a friend who I could be myself around, but once I had it totally changed me. Find someone who will challenge you and encourage you all the way.

     6) Don't live in the crowd.
          Stand out amongst the crowd. Don't get caught up in the ways of this world, it's not worth it. Instead rise above and be the one people want to follow, become the leader. Once I made the decision to become the leader, it greatly increased my level of influence and impact.

     7) Clean it out.
          Clean out the things in your life that cause you to stumble or revert to an old pattern of life. Find the things that easily tempt you or clutter your thoughts and clean them out. Choose to replace them with thoughts that honor Christ.

     8) Enhance the Kingdom.
          In Ephesians, it states that we all have unique gifts from God, and when united we all accomplish the big purpose God has for us all together. But in order to do that, we have to recognize the ways we've been gifted. For me, I feel gifted in the way I encourage and pour into people, so I'm then choosing to enhance His kingdom wholeheartedly.

      9) Invest in those around you.
           A big take away from this summer is who I invest in and pour into. I've felt the conviction to invest more of time in my fifth graders, my youth group, and even my sister. I've realized that I have influence with those around me, so I have to be intentional and a good example to those looking up to me. That's an honor not a burden.

     10) Trust God with it all.
          That statement has been one I find myself repeating everyday. With my campaign, I've learned what it is to really trust God and how to rely on Him. And oh, how it's paid off. God blesses obedience, and I am beyond blessed because I've chosen a life of complete trust and complete surrender. Trust Him wholeheartedly.

     11) A servant's heart.
          When you get an opportunity to serve, do it with a servant's heart. Serve cheerfully. Serving is such an amazing way to grow God's community, so we best do it cheerfully. I adore serving, and I've had the opportunity of watching growth within other's and even myself. Serving is a marvelous way to see God at work.

     12) Choose joy.
          This summer has been one that's brought me abundant amounts of joy. From some many sources, joy is possible. Choose joy because joy is rooted in Christ and will therefore last forever.

     13) Positive mindset.
          This one has been very important throughout my life. Our lives are filled to the max with unknowns, and that freaks me out. Not knowing what I'm walking into... oh boy. How I combat that is the perspective I choose, which is one of positivity. Look for the good in all things, then you'll start noticing the good in all things.

     14) Set goals.
          Set goals for yourself. I love setting goals, because I love finishing the goals even more. Results motivate me, but I need something to reach for. When you set goals you'll find yourself more motivated, consistent, and empowered. Goals help you become the best person you can be, because you're pushing yourself to you're limits and achieving innumerable results.

     15) Set standards
          Upon entering any relationship, start by setting standards and expectations. It will make all the difference and say a lot about your character. It'll show people what you expect out of them. Create the relationship you wan to be in, don't let worldly standards dictate your expectations.

     16) Make a difference
          In everything you do, leave a legacy; make a difference. Make such a difference that others who come after you will be inspired by what you've done. In any and every situation, make a change that inspires others and glorifies God. Make a difference by standing above the crowd, constantly enhancing the Kingdom, and pursuing God's unique purpose for you.

The 2016 Summer Bucket-list!!
     I could go on and on with those topics, but that's the basis of what I've figured out over these past years. I did not learn this on my own. I went to those who know far more than I do, those who have far more experience. This doesn't stop at 16, the list continues, I keep growing. But I wanted to take what I've learned and share that with you. As I learn more, I'll update the list ;)
     This summer has been one for the books, and sadly it's coming to an end. I made a bucket list even, and checked off so much. New restaurants, friend time, summer camps and way more that I'm still checking off. There was plenty I wanted to get done, and plenty I was not expecting to do. This summer has taught me way more than I imagined. I definitely made the most of this summer, and got a lot done, but I've also learned a lot this summer. Now that's an experience I'll never forget and something to hold on to for quite awhile.