Sunday, January 31, 2016

Run the Race

Hey Friends,
     I have wonderful news for you all!! My Etsy shop has been suspended for about the entire month of January, but now it's back up and running. I'll be honest, it's been quite a frustrating month, but I've learned how to be patient. Throughout this month I've learned how to rely on God and His timing. All good things happen on His timing. After patiently waiting, the Art of Stationary is back up!! Soon I'll be uploading Valentine's day cards, but until then feel free to check out cards already in the shop! The Art of Stationary . As for my campaign, I've yet to receive any donations. Remember that when a card is bought all the profit will be going to my campaign. This is something I'm very excited to be doing, but I need your help to accomplish this goal. Emma's Campaign

-- I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the Heavenly prize for which God, through Jesus Christ, is calling us. -- Philippians 3:14

     Monday night during our family bible study, this passage inspired me. Basically this passage explains that, as Christians, we are in a life long race. But, the most important components of this race is the prize at the end and the way we run. Where we are in the race doesn't matter. All we have to do is run in such a way as to gain the prize. While we are in this race, we need to give it our all and not go back to the starting line. When we mess up along the way, we shouldn't go back to the beginning and attempt a re-do because we weren't please with the way we executed something. We are going to make mistakes along the way, but we aren't going to give up. Our prize and finish line seems further and further away every time we go back tot he start line. 

     When I was a freshmen and still in public school, my parents told me I had to do a sport while I was in highschool. I decided to get it over with my freshmen year. Two facts about me: I hate doing sports and I hate running. Yes, the girl who despises sports and running decided to do track. I thought it would be easy, it wasn't easy at all. The one hour of practice felt like five hours and doing track in march in Arizona is brutal. It's already hot. I still to this day have no clue why I chose track as my one sport. When it came time for my first meet, I was looking for any excuse not to go. I was slightly sick, my legs were very sore, I had a bunch of homework. My parents still drove me to my first meet and were in the bleachers eagerly awaited my turn to run. I lined up for the 100m race, my very first ever race. When I started running I ended up in someone else's lane and dead last. Most of my races were either last or second to last. Yes I was a little disappionted, but I was more proud of finishing than the actual place I came in. I finished the entire season and don't regret doing it. On some days I gave it my all and on others I slacked off. I was never overly enthusiastic about track, but I persevered and saw it through.

     In a lot of ways, track is like the race we're running now. On some days we give it our all, and on others we slack off a little bit. On some days we swerve out of our straight and narrow lane into one that is not our own. On some days we feel a constant urge to go back to he starting line, wanting to try again. On some days we mess up so badly that we just want to quit this race entirely. But we can't. When we committed to this life of following Jesus, we left the start line and we can't go back. God knew we were going to mess up... a lot, but he still runs the race with us. When we feel like abandoning, He doesn't, and He won't. While you are running this race, run in such a way that focuses on the prize rather than prioritizes the place you're in. 


Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Happy New Year

Hey Friends,
     I just want to share with you about my day yesterday, it was simply marvelous. One of my goals this year is to be hiking more, and lucky for me I've got a mother who is ecstatic about hiking and would love nothing more than keeping me accountable on that goal. Yesterday was the first hike of the year. Me and my momma headed out to Santan Regional Park in hopes for a great hike. God delivered as he usually does. It was prolly one of the best hikes I've had in awhile. In Arizona, sometimes it's hit or miss on the weather, either it's really cold or (usually) very hot. But let me tell you, the middle of January was absolutely perfect timing. The two of us headed out and nobody was there so it was a very peaceful hike. We went at our own pace talking about anything and everything, because we could.

-- Rejoice in the LORD always; again I will say, rejoice -- Philippians 4:4

Joyously twirling while hiking yesterday!!
Because, you should just stop and spin
around when feeling super elated...Am I
     Ever heard of the phrases: "Do more of what makes you happy." or "Find what makes you happy and do more of that."? Yesterday, I asked my mom if she had a motto and she said her motto was "Right on!", which I totally agree with. Then, she asked me what mine was, and I had to think about it. I came to the conclusion of my motto being one of those phrases. Recently it's become easier to identify what activities or hobbies truly make me happy. I expressed to my mom that taking more pictures of the things we do or places we go is near the top of the list. Writing and reading more frequently almost always puts a smile on my face. (If I'm reading about chemistry though - no smiles there.) Eating more waffles makes everyone happy (I'm sure about that.) Being around my best friends and bringing out the best in each other, my favorite. And listening to a song that just makes you want to get up and dance - that's the best type of music. Now that I know what makes me happy, I need to do more of it. I need to take more hikes, read more classics, take more pictures, write more blog posts. Only if I do more of the things that make me happy, then I will truly be happier. My days will be filled with joy when I make time for the activities that fill me up. I will be a happier person when I indulge in the hobbies that make me, me. My schedule this year will not only have deadlines and projects. It will also include time cut out for hiking a couple times a week and more dance sessions. 

     So, I'm challenging you to do more of what makes you happy. Find what that is and just do it. Make time in you schedule to really embrace the things that just simply make you happy. Your days will be better, your smiles will be bigger, and your perspective will be wider. When everyone else sees you're a happy person, they'll want to know your secret. There's no secret, just a simple phrase your taking to heart. This week let's find the things that make us radiantly cheerful and do more of it. 


P.S. My Etsy shop link - The Art of Stationary

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Art of Simplifying

Dear Friends,
     I'll be honest, I'm having a bit of writer's block lately. I hate the feeling of it. It's as if you have something on the tip of your tongue but don't know how to say it. It's like having this marvelous idea split up into tiny little pieces. You know there's a big picture but you're too close to see it. That's where I'm at. I'm too close to it all.

-- Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. -- 2 Corinthians 5:17

     This year, I really want to encourage a simplified way of living as I have before. So, today, I'll share with you my foundation to a more simplified year. Only one week into 2016 and we already have homework, deadlines, overflowing to-do lists, people to see, new bucket lists, goals to accomplish and lives to live. A few words pop out at me here: craziness, stressful, overwhelming, unmanageable. Let me repeat: ONE WEEK INTO 2016!! It's been a week and we're already jam packed with things to do. I'll admit, I'm guilty of it too, but not proud of it. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem appealing at all. I'm going to share with you something more appealing for not only this week but all 52 of 'em. 

     1. Priorities 
        Our priorities dictate what we do and how we live. If work or school are your top priorities, than they will consume you and demand your attention. We make our own priorities, but that doesn't mean our priorities have to be focused on us. Priorities that support a simplified life are those based on seeking God and strengthening our faith. It's okay to have many interests, but those that are of greatest importance need to be our top priorities. That's why when you have a strong faith and totally trust God, it will be easier to discern what is important. Trust me, I know what it is to totally trust God and to totally trust in self. One life may not be easier, but it is far simpler.

     2. Perspective
        Your perspective is vital to a simple life. After you establish your priorities, you need to establish the way you look at things. What lens are you looking through? Your own or someone else's? I remember all the times I looked through other people's lenses. At first, I liked the way they looked at things, but I realized it wasn't my own lens, my own perspective. We all look at things differently. My lens is different from yours. My perspective is different, my ideas are different too. This year, let's look through our own lenses and appreciate the way we view our lives. Also, focus on that word appreciate. We can't only appreciate the way we see but also what we see. We each have been uniquely blessed, yet we compare our blessings. Through our own lenses, let's focus in on our own blessings and realize how wonderful they are to us individually.

     3. Happiness
        This is a big one guys! So often in the world we live in today we become easily discontent. We focus on what we don't have and what we don't do instead of the opposite. Everyone's "happy" is different. My happy is when I'm doing what I love or when I'm with people I adore. Happiness is making time to do what YOU love to do (not what other people love) because it ends up empowering you. That's happiness. Do things that inspire you, encourage you, and empower you. It will fill you with happiness. It works every time, trust me! When we focus on our own "happy" instead of that of others, it will lead to a more simplified life because we're not worried about over complicating or mixing up all the "happy's" we're trying to be. Our own is good enough.

      4. Crowd Control
          Alright, last one. Crowd control. This year I did what most people do: I looked back on 2015 to analyze what I should be doing differently. Although a few things came to mind, a big one was the crowds. Why am I following so many? I realized they don't lift me up, they lower my self esteem. I've got to get out. So, in 2016, I will. I looked back on everything and everyone I was trying to be, and man it's exhausting. Take a minute and stop to evaluate who you want to be and why. Then, do not go looking for it. You will find it inside you and God. Your truest self is found within you, not a crowd where everyone's the same. That's not very exciting, and let me tell you, you are worth so much more than a crowd. This year I told myself that I should lead the crowds instead of follow them. How revolutionary would that be?

     This is the art of simplifying and it's not that hard. All that's needed is straightening out a few areas of our lives in order to achieve simplicity. It's not that far from our reach, it's right in front of us. The only thing holding you back is your lifestyle. When our priorities, perspective, happiness, and direction glorifies God and brings out the best us, only then can the simple life take over. This year let's be the best versions of us by living the life best for us.


P.S. NEW CARDS UP ON ETSY!! LINK - The Art of Stationary

Saturday, January 2, 2016


Dear Readers,

     Happy New Year!! I don't know about you, but 2015 was definitely full of changes and growth. There was my transition from public school to homeschooling, new additions to our church, growing closer to friends, while losing some along the way and growing closer to God through out all of it. This year I learned to really rely on God, while learning what it means to trust Him with all I have. I'm also thankful I've realized what I want to do with my life and the direction I want to take.

-- Don't merely listen to the word and so deceive yourself. Do what it says. -- James 1:22

     2016 will be different. This year, I didn't make resolutions. No, this year, I sat with my family, in a lovely coffee shop in Sedona, AZ and we worked on setting goals. I know the two sound similar, but a resolution is a change you want to make in your daily life, while a goal is something you want to accomplish. It's something you set out to do with the expectation of growing in the end.  Committing to something you know will make you better. That's a goal.

     So I made a few goals this year. I'm aiming to be more consistent in my walk with God and to have a bolder faith in all I do. I want to be a more godly example to my family and friends. I want to read and write more. Honestly, I'd like to exercise daily, but I'm still working through that one. And lastly, I'm going to stick with whatever I start, because I want to do what I say I'm going to do.

     Last year, (more like a month ago), I felt a prompting to serve more, which hatched an idea. Some of my favorite things, as you know, are serving and handwritten notes, a.k.a stationary, so I decided to put the two together. 
     1Mission is a community development organization, giving people living in poverty the opportunity to earn a house by serving in their community. I've had the opportunity to be a part of several projects with this organization, beginning when I was 9.  I'll never forget the feeling of watching a family receive the keys to their new home.  What a blessed experience. 

     Through 1Mission, campaigns may be established in order to raise money for families in need and that's what I'm doing.  Check it out here: Emma's Mission. The stationary comes in as my way to raise the money. I've opened an Etsy shop called The Art of Stationary.  I'm selling handmade stationary where all the profits go to my campaign. This is my number one project and one of my top goals for 2016. I'm so excited about this and even more excited to share this with you. Please take some time to browse my store.  Of course, I'm partial to these designs, but I think you'll love them too! When you make a purchase, be sure to spread the word, as no one ever changed the world all on their own.  Let's get as many people involved in this as we can. 

    As I stated in the beginning of this post, 2016 will be different; I can feel it. However, the only way it's going to be different is when people like you and me set out to make it so.