Thursday, November 5, 2015

Being Me Around You

Dear Readers,
Ever since I left school, the only thing I’ve missed are the people, well most of the people. The people I met at school changed me, sometimes not in the best way and in other times (most times) in the very best way possible. A lot of people at my old school helped me see and be the person I am today.  

- He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. -
Proverbs 13:20

For my freshman year, I was in a new district and had not attended junior high with the other students. As a result, I didn’t know anybody at the high school. This made everything more difficult. By the second semester, everything seemed to get a little better. I made friends in the first semester, but got to know them so much better in the second. The people I ate lunch with were amazing and became some of my closest friends. I adored everything about them. There was one class that ultimately made everything so much better even to this day - 6th hour Spanish. I know it sounds a little dramatic, but it’s true. I didn't know it at the time but the girl who would become my best friend would be in that class. Unknowingly, we were each searching for a true Godly friend and later found it in each other.We quickly became inseparable.
Even though I only attended high school for two months of my sophomore year, it wasn’t great. Yes, the classes were overwhelming, but it was the influence of the others who made it difficult. It seemed this year was more of a popularity game than anything else. It was vicious and time consuming to try to keep up with everyone around me, I had a chance at being with the “popular” crowd and I seized it. Turns out, it wasn't everything I thought it would be, no High School Musical here. We weren't singing in the cafeteria or right before summer break. High school turned out to be a bit of a let down. One great thing about my sophomore year was 7th hour Spanish, because of the girl whom I met last year. Her name is Kaylee Rhoades and we quickly became each other’s best friends.

The term best friend is thrown around so often and so loosely it’s kind of lost it’s value. I admit I’m guilty of calling everyone my “best friend” eventually. But if one good thing came out of high school it was my best friend. For the longest time I’ve been praying for a friend who will always be there for me and not judge me. In the past I’ve met plenty of people like that, but it was only temporary. Then God introduced me to Kaylee Rhoades and a friendship never felt more right.  She was my answered prayer. When I left school to go back to homeschooling, it made me realize and see the true friends in my life and the relationships I’d like to maintain. Kaylee was on the top of that list.
The reason friends, best friends, are key elements to a simple life is because they have a special ability to bring out the real you. Do you ever get that feeling when you’re around a certain person you feel so comfortable you can just be your truest self? I feel that way around Kaylee and that is the definition of a “best friend”. When living simplified, it’s so important to know your true identity and with a personality defined by you. Now, I’ll be honest, it’s not like you wake up and know your true identity, I’m pretty sure it doesn't happen like that. But I think that’s why God created best friends. They help us find who we are meant to be. Kaylee is my number one supporter and encourages me in all things. She understands me and motivates me be the Emma God has created even though I change so frequently. She’s see the person in me I’m still trying to become, which encourages me to keep searching. People like this are so vital to us because, yes it takes you to find you, but we will need motivation and support along the way.
Those are just a few of the amazing qualities of a best friend, but I need to have those qualities as well. The same way Kaylee supports and motivates me, I have to be there for her and encourage her too. This whole best friend thing is not one sided. We have to wear our half of the best friend necklace too. I’ve never had a relationship like this before, so as things progress between us, I’m still learning what it means to be an ideal best friend. I do know one thing, this time; this “best friend” is real.
God presents us with certain people in order to fulfill his purpose and for us to find ours. We weren’t meant to travel on our paths alone. If we did, we would leave our paths the minute our feet touched it and would never return. In order to stay on our straight and narrow path we need accountability, and that’s what best friends are for. You trust them and they trust you, they challenge you and you challenge them, and both grow in your relationship with God and with each other.
It’s honestly a great feeling to have a best friend and know it’s true. I continue to thank God for my best friend, and still don’t know how I ended up with such an amazing friend like her. She’s my Kay and I’m her Em. Your challenge this week is to identify who that person is, but if you already know, find that person and thank them for all they’ve done for you. Also, encourage them and motivate them the way they do for you. You can even comment below who that person is for you, I’d love to know. Throughout this week keep this in mind; best friends are a rare gift from God in this temporary and fake world.


  1. I'm. Crying. So. Hard. EMMA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Thank you for being there for me 24/7, through thick and thin, and for encouraging me to do things in order to stay on God's path! :) YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND. Nothing can ever change that :))) Can't wait to see you soon :)))))

  2. This is soo good Emma!! I love it! God is doing great things through you and I thank Him for that! You're an awesome!!-RayAnne Mooney
