Thursday, November 12, 2015

Liking Myself and Unfollowing the Crowd

Dear Readers,
I’ll be honest, social media has become a dictating part of my life. I’m prolly (a.k.a probably) not the only one who can relate. Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook have taken over our time, opinions, and minds. We live in a constantly wondering society. Wondering if we’re doing the right thing, posting the right thing, commenting and captioning the right thing. I’m wondering and wandering too.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

Ok, I don’t think Instagram is evil and possesses us to do horrible deceitful things. I think we’re the ones at fault there. But, I’ve been in a convicting place lately on the whole social media matter. I’ve been thinking a lot about this and a lot of realizations have come to the surface. At 271 followers and having the top be 68 likes, I’m not content. How messed up is that? I realized something had to change quick or else I’d be discontent for a long time. Social media has created a mask for everyone to wear and feel "surfacely" comfortable. Pressure is involved, and soon all you want is approval of people whom you barely know and who barely know you too. The likes become a scale, if they’re high you’re on a high, and if they’re low, you’re on a low. The picture you posted is merely a vessel for self worth and no longer a memory you just shared.
Social media is a tricky thing, it’s such an easy trap for us all to fall into if we’re not careful. We get sucked into the world of a fake reality and you should look this and talk like that. Social media has been taken over by people who think they have authority to tell us how we should feel and act today. Our generation is one fueled by approval and likes and not simplicity and satisfaction. It is quite a difficult thing to change and take control of, I’m still trying.
        As I try, here’s what I’m doing. I’m in the process of creating a better mindset for when I go on my Instagram. When I do that, I’m in a more secure place and will start to look at it as a source of fun and not a scale of self esteem. Also I unfollowed a bunch of people who only caused discontentment with myself and jealousy too, now I won’t be as easily exposed to that trap. Finally, I post what I want to post and caption what I want to caption. I make my Instagram my own and don’t model it after someone else’s account. Instagram was intended to show people who you are, and now that we’re all posting the same thing, everyone is predictable and boring. With my account, what I’m doing is posting in such a way so that you know it’s me. I’m modeling it after my own interests and personality. It’s not easy to drastically switch your views on social media, which isn’t what I’m saying. What I’m saying is gradually begin to make it your own and enjoy it in such a way that glorifies God and makes you happy with yourself.  Instagram isn't a bad thing, we just have to be in a positive place when using it. Find joy in all you do. 

This week, look at your social media accounts and start to make it one that looks more like you and not someone you follow. As difficult as it sounds, we can make social media more simplified, we just have to let go of the number of likes and winning-approval game. Comment below where you are with your simplifying social media. You could be where I am, in the raw stages where you’re trying to figure this all out, but want to do something about it. Or you could be a little more ahead of the game, you prolly have a hold on the whole make it more my own, but maybe you’re still caught up in the likes and followers. I’d love to know where you’re at, and hope this helps you along the way.


1 comment:

  1. I have to admit. I do look to Instagram as a scale of self worth. And that's not logical. Just because I have 950 something followers and I get 170 likes on photos doesn't mean I am worth less than someone who gets more than that, and worth more than someone who gets less than that. This week my goal is to look to Instagram for positivity and inspiration. At this very moment I'm unfollowing a ton of accounts who bring me down and I'm looking to the skies to model my Instagram and all other social media. It's my account, why should I make it any less :) love you Em:)
