-- But the time is coming - indeed it's here now - when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. John 4:23 --
This year, I've continued starting my day in God's word, and I've started a new reading plan where it takes you through the entire New Testament in a year. A little less intimidating than the entire Bible, but just as fulfilling. With this reading plan, it starts with John then on the weekend it brings in an Old Testament passage that corresponds with the New Testament reading. I've only been at it for a week, but so far I'm really enjoying it. I love the slower pace after last year's plan. It allows me to really pour into the scripture and apply a more applicable view to what I'm reading. This Thursday I read John 2, an all too familiar part of scripture, but this time reading it through, I applied a new perspective to the word I was reading. Verses 13-22 portray the story of Jesus clearing the Temple. After the wedding in Cana, Jesus walks into the Temple to find it filled with merchants selling animals for sacrifices and people charging high rates for currency exchanges. Jesus, immediately filled with a righteous rage, drives the people from His Father's Temple. He yells out, "Get these things out of here. Stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace" (2:16) I had read this part of scripture many times before, but this last week I stopped, read over it again and a thought occurred to me. My earthly body is a Temple for God as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19, "Do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself." I don't belong to myself, I belong solely to Christ who has placed His Holy Spirit within me.
But much like the people in John 2, I have neglected the Temple's true purpose. I have filled it with unholy things and my own selfish desires. The Temple is a place of worship and praise and I've replaced that with my own pride. When I do this, God loses all credit for his creation and all authority over His Temple. I have filled my heart with worldly things, yet I justify saying "No, this is really for God," Who am I kidding. I know deep down this is all for me, and I know deep down it's only a matter of time before Christ comes in and clears His Temple. With passion and jealousy He clears our hearts and empties our Temple of all that is unholy. We stand empty and may feel lost. I know I've felt that way. So often we can get very comfortable in our way of life when we're in control, and when change makes it's way to center stage, we back down and shut out. I know I do it. I creep back to my old way of living out of fear all too often. After Jesus clears the Temple in John 2, He remains within the Temple. And today is no different. When Jesus clears our Temples creating a void within us, He fills the void with His presence and remains. Jesus becomes the things that will fill us, and I take so much comfort in that promise. When Jesus remains, we ourselves need to refocus our attention back to Him. Our bodies are a Temple, and a Temple is a place of worship and praise. My heart becomes filled with praise and glory for God and all He is capable of within my life.
Worship is a key part to our relationship with Christ. By our worship, it keeps us focused on who receives all the credit and who remains in the center of our hearts. To continue striving for a Christ like character, we must live out an active worship that is rooted in our Temples. Begin your day with reading His word, seek God in every decision you make, Remember to thank Him for all He's graciously done in your life. With daily praises such as those, we are filling our hearts with praise for our God, and worshipping Him in all we do. It may be a reality switch for some of us, it was for me when I decided to refocus. But, believe me, it's made all the difference. By refocusing my gaze on Christ, I've able to appreciate Him in all the little things around me. I've been able to recognize I don't belong to myself, but am able to act upon the Holy Spirit I'm filled with to better enhance God's kingdom. I've understood better that what fills my heart dictates my character, and I so badly want that to be God, so I can better show who He is. I encourage you stop and earnestly ask God to clear you and refill you with Himself so that you may be able to experience what a wonderful life He has to offer you.
This year, I am going to actively increase my worship so I can then strengthen my relationship with God. Because I am His Holy Temple on earth, I want to be filled with gratitude for all God has done for me and for His constant presence in my life. No matter how many times I fill my heart with the things of this world, Jesus will still come in, clear me out, and remain because of His everlasting love and faithfulness. Now, I'm not saying that's an excuse to waver between God and this world, for we are not to have a double sided loyalty. But there is hope in God's promise of always restoring us and always remaining the center of our lives when we allow Him to come in and clear our Temples.
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