Monday, March 13, 2017

Seeking Satisfaction

Hey friends!
     Can we all just throw our hands up for spring break?! I totally am over here. Jill and I have kicked off our spring break with a full schedule. There's movie days, cookie making, shopping extravaganzas, and a whole lot of time with some spectacular people. Today we woke up early and shipped our parents to Vegas for their 20th wedding anniversary. Seriously how exciting is that?! So, Jill and I decided to start spring break proper: pancakes and an Audrey Hepburn movie. May or may not be the way we start every morning.... We are so stoked for this entire next week and have been looking forward to it for about a month. The reason we're so excited is what we chose to put on the agenda: things we love to do, our favorite people, and unique bonding time with one another. We've been itching to get rid of our parents so we can get started with this jam packed week. This week will be without a doubt be filled with genuine joy and overwhelming excitement because of what Jill and I are making a priority.

-- "For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things." - Psalm 107:10 --

     Recently, I've found myself seeking joy and recently I've found my joy in all the wrong places. As much as I say on the blog to find your joy and excitement in only Christ and live your life doing what you're passionate about; I've not been living that out as genuinely as I should. I've sought out dead ends, I've devoted me time to stressful things, and I've turned in circles seeking satisfaction. Not until I started a study wth my sweet friend Jackie Cole, did I realize where my downfall was. Ironically, it was deep within myself. The Bible study we committed ourselves to was one on living free and breaking the bond between us and our strongholds. It was life changing and eye opening. This study helped me realize how present my God is in my life and just how often He shows up for me ( spoiler alert: it's all the time). But probably the biggest take away was the source of my satisfaction and also my dissatisfaction. Through prayer and the word, God revealed Himself to me time and time again. The way He revealed Himself to me was as my ultimate sustainer, absolute ruler, one and only, and everlasting Father. He is mine and I am His. He is all I need. It took time and even took testing, but I came to see that my God alone is my satisfaction. Only He can meet every desire I will ever have. But, there's a catch: I had to get rid of the source for my dissatisfaction.
     Now, this doesn't mean I've been leading an unhappy depressed life. No, I was choosing to find happiness in places God wasn't center and give my time to things God wasn't apart of. I was turning to other worldly things for satisfaction rather than God alone. There's an ugly word for that: it's called an idol. Ouch.  Like everyone else, I had this deep craving in my heart, and I bet like many of you, I tried to meet that craving in my own way. Through my bible study, I came to understand God created us all with that deep rooted craving. God also created a way for that craving and desire to be eternally met. It's through a unique and intentional relationship with Him and Him alone. If we strive for that relationship while still holding hands with our idol, no craving is being met. But once we let go of all worldly attractions and turn both eyes and hand up to God, our satisfaction will be forever sustained. God is just so cool like that. After the six weeks of the study, I've identified the harsh yet real idols in my life, that are deeply rooted within. I've also taken initiative to rid myself of them and replace them with God. It's not easy, far from it. But it's beneficial and oh so rewarding. I want to always feel that sense of craving because it encourages me to actively seek after a way to fulfill it. Now I know who it is I'm earnestly searching after, for I now know I need not search any other place. God has proven himself worthy of all my joy and attention, and boy does He deserve it.
     In the same way I'm going into my spring break choosing things that bring happiness; I'm taking that approach to many other areas of my life. In the pass six weeks I've gotten a lovely glimpse at what true satisfaction and joy is and how appealing it was. The peace it brought was instantaneous, the joy it brought was lasting, and the feeling over all was one of release. I'm releasing what I thought would make me happy and fill me up over to the one who already has that job. God's got this sewn up in our lives, we don't have go out searching and hoping something else can provide only what He can.  From now on, as challenging and testing it will be, in taking what I read in my study and putting it into action. I'm seeking God and not this world, I'm letting go of control and taking a step back. My God has, is, and will forever satisfy every need I have and He will abundantly do the same for you as well. Earnestly seek and choose Him in all areas of you life. He's already waiting for you there.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

1Mission-February 2017

Hello Everyone!! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. The weather in Arizona was definitely unusual for February: rainy and windy. We Arizonians are in high expectations for warm and sunny days now that December and January are behind us. But the weather, being about as predictable as a deck of cards, made for a cold February. However, as a family, we were hoping to escape the drab weather and spend President's weekend down in Mexico. To say the least, we did not. 

--"Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, 'Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here I am. Send me!'" Isaiah 6:8

     This past weekend, my family and I made our way down to Rocky Point, Mexico, the base camp for the amazing organization: 1Mission. 1Mission's sole purpose is to provide safe and adequate housing for those in need. The cool part: the families being helped have to earn a required number of hours to earn a house. So not only is a family receiving a house, a community is being built. As of this weekend, 1Mission has helped build 550 houses and has changed countless lives in the process. My family and I have not done a mission trip together since 2011. I have gone on several since, but with intersecting, never resting schedules, we've been unable to do one together. With an empty schedule and weekend, the Surretts made their way down to Mexico. 
      My whole family has done this mission trip before, but that was six years ago; things have changed. Jill is now fourteen and it would be her first real house build and my parents would too be right beside me. I was ecstatic. I could not wait to experience this amazing and life changing trip with three of my most favorite people. With high expectations for this trip, my whole family was over the moon excited for the weekend. 

-- "And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God." Romans 8:27

     Well, when we arrived, we did not outrun the weather as we had hoped. We drove into the base camp in a dust storm and went to sleep in the pouring rain. With optimism, we hoped that the rain would dry up before we left for the work site the following morning. Yet it did not with a forecast of 90% chance of rain all day. The rain lasted all day. After getting a late start to the job site, the weather remained cold, windy, and rainy the entire day. We had too many hands working so many were left just standing in the pouring rain. My mom and I found ourselves in the heated car watching for most the day. It was miserable. It was not what we expected. Far from what we planned. But not at all far from what God had in mind, and that's what I realized through all the waiting. I serve a God who is completely in control and has a plan for every single day that I am apart of. It's hard to understand what He has going on inside His head, or even why He allows certain things (like rain storms) to happen. During all the waiting, I turned my thoughts to God, and accepted the turnouts of this day. No, this is not what I had in mind, no this is not how I wanted to start my trip, but I am going to say yes to God in the midst of the storm (literally and figuratively). It is for God to orchestrate and for me to trust. 
     I had high high hopes for the following day. I woke up, ate a protein bar for breakfast and was ready to hit the site, determined to do some work today. While still cold, it was not raining, and coming prepared I heavily layered up in what I wore. Sure I might get cold, but I was going to suck it up and build a house that day. The team got an early start to the site and everyone was in a great positive mood. Thank you God, for letting up on the weather and giving us a great day to serve you and your children in need. On our way to the job site, our line of cars pulled over. Come to find out, one of the cars blew two tires breaking one of the rims in the process. Really God, really? Quick back story: my father is a grease monkey to the core. He worked in an automotive repair shop for 11 years and grew up with fully immersed in an environment filled with that of cars. My dad knew cars like I know how to make a bowl of cereal. Pretty dang well. So, who do you think stayed behind with the car while everyone went to the job cite? Yup, you guessed it, my family. But, that's not how the morning is supposed to go. It's not rainy, I'm not freezing, and we got an early start...we should be at the job site working!! Okay, okay, I know a tire change should be pretty quick - but not when you have a tire that doesn't fit and you're in a country where you have no idea where a tire shop is. Frustrated and already an hour into a tire change, we were all getting a little restless. Then God showed up. A car pulls up to us and the man inside speaks perfect English. His name was Carlos and he was the best thing that happened to us that day. He stayed with us the whole time (total of two additional hours) and helped us find a new tire for the man who's car broke down. Carlos was amazing and beyond helpful. We got it all fixed up and continued on our way to work, forever grateful for Carlos.
     At the job site, the weather held up and we experienced a perfect day for working. We came together as a team and got it done. Maria, the woman whom we're building for, was a lovely help to us all. She was involved in every job possible and encouraged us all to give it our best effort. The team was cruising that day, and we finished early, even though my family missed almost the first half of it. But again, it comes down to that trust and recognition that God is in control. If we hadn't of stayed behind, we wouldn't of met Carlos. If we hadn't of pushed hard and worked together we wouldn't have finished early. I can now see how powerful my God is and how undeniable His hand is in all things. That day we did serve His children, just not the ones we had in mind. Early that day too, we were building: not the house, but relationships. God took these inconveniences and turned them into blessings for our benefits.

-- "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28 --
This is Maria and her brand new house. Her hardwork for
this house is something truly inspiring.

     This week was FAR from what my family and I had in mind. We had it all planned out on the way down to Mexico, but right from the beginning in that dust storm and all the way throughout, God reminded us who was ultimately in charge. I'm so glad He did, because if He hadn't I know my mindset on this trip would have been totally different. I instead choose to see Him in control in my waiting, I decided to trust Him in my lack of understanding, and I choose to keep my eyes on Him and not the present circumstances. As unexpected as this week was, it was filled with fond memories. I got to do a mission trip that I love dearly with my spectacular family. Can I just say, they killed it out there! Gosh, I thought I had some skills, but no, my family was so hardworking and determined that it inspired me and made me so proud of them. Maria, loved her house. We were able to finish the house and Maria could not have been more grateful. She worked so hard for this moment and now her life is forever changed. I highly doubt she will lose her servant heart just because she earned this house. If anything, I believe her level of serving will increase, because she will want others to experience what she has experienced herself. Throughout this trip, it has really been a blessing to wait in the car, change tires, and even get started late to building because it has reminded me of the God I serve. He is majestic and in total control of everyday matters. My trust in Him has increased exponentially because I opened my eyes to the fact that He is present in every aspect of my life. And I get to be apart of His marvelous plan. 
      Filled with new memories and many learned lessons, I will forever remember this trip. This trip was like no other, but I think it will become one of my favorites because it has turned out to be like nothing I imagined. 
These are stingray tacos that Maria made for us the last day.
They were interesting to say the least, very appreciated,
but definitely a new flavor. But, hey I can now say I tried
This lil' cutie put my hammering
skills to shame this weekend.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Real and Intentional

Hello friends and happy February.
     Is it just me, or did everyone just get used to January and then it was over. I'm still so very excited for 2017, but amazingly it's moving quite fast. On top of schedules, goal setting, falling back into routine, become better versions of ourselves, things quickly got a tad bit hectic. Anyone else with me on that? January was swell and was definitely filled with new discoveries. I'm glad to report, all the goals mentioned in my post on 2017 goals are coming into action. I'm staying determined and consistent, and I'm beyond proud of myself. There's nothing like achieving personal goals to bring someone true and genuine confidence. I have to say, going into this year having Christ totally in center has made all the difference. I set goals last year, but I found ways to have control over the outcome; this year, I've let go of that control and let God resume His rightful place. Hmm, things are going much smoother, I guess that's how He intended it to be. 
     Now, February is upon us, and I'm very excited, because it's the month where eating copious amounts of chocolate is totally acceptable. Seriously, hand me a box of chocolates and I'll even eat the weird orange filled ones. Okay, quick question: how do you find out what's inside the chocolate when there's no label!? My methods range from taking a nibble out of each one, creatively scraping away at the bottom of each, and even smelling them like I'm a chocolate connoisseur. We all have hidden talents. I love this month because this month is full of love. I think it's so fun how each month has it's own theme, makes each one it's own kinda special. Anyway, we're focusing on love here. I don't mean the gushy kind or the sappy kind, though I'm a fan of the punny kind because it's so a-peel-ing. Haha, like a banana, get it...nothing...okay. The kind of love I'm talking about and going to be practicing this month is a genuine kind of love. And that's what I'm going to share with you here. 

 -- "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions."  1 John 3:18 --

G E N U I N E  L O V E - 
      One kind of love I'm focusing on this month, is a more genuine love. The word genuine is "truly what something is said to be; authentic; sincere." In the scripture above, as Christ followers we are called to have an actionable kind of love, and one can carry out an action but it's the motive behind that makes it worth something. When I serve or interact with those around me, I need to stop and ask myself what is my motive? Am I doing this because it's a have-to? Am I doing this to gain something for myself? Am I doing this so I better display my own name in some way? Or, am I doing this because it's my calling and because by displaying my own love, I'm displaying the Father's love? That's the question. When presented with opportunities (and there are plenty) I need to act in such a way that will promote the Father's love. That is being genuine: knowing the purpose behind your actions and being motivated to carry them out in an authentic, real way. Anybody can serve and show love, but when you personally make it your mission to be real in every aspect of that display, that's when your love becomes genuine. 

I N T E N T I O N A L  L O V E -
Is is just me, or does anyone else have an obsession
with stationary? There's absolutely nothing like the
feeling of handwriting a card for someone or
receiving and handmade card. It's the little things
like stationary that brings me such joy.
     I am a strong believer in the fact that God places certain people and relationships in our lives for a purpose, that nothing is by chance. I also take that very seriously. I look at every relationship I have, and ask myself, "What can I do to fully maximize the relationship God has placed in my life?" It's something I take to heart and something I'm feeling convicted about to put into action. It's very easy to ask yourself these questions and mentally come up with excellent answers, but if you don't put anything into action, your relationships won't be effective. This month I want to examine my relationships with my friends, family, and role models, and find ways to become more intentional. Through my actions, I want those I'm close to, to know that they are valued and that this relationship is valued. If it's through gifts, letters, or much needed conversations, then I will do it. Ultimately, what I want most is not what the present can offer, it's the long lasting impact of my being intentional. By being intentional, God is strengthening each friendship and making it's effectiveness increase. This month it is my goal to go above and beyond to make sure I'm being intentional with those God has placed in my life.

R E F L E C T I V E  L O V E -
     Currently I'm doing a bible study with a dear friend of mine. The topic is on living free and applying God's word to our lives. In the last session we did, something really stuck out to me: what is in our mind will be reflected by our actions. Basically, whatever we let in will come out...positive and negative. That then prompts the question, "What am I letting fill my mind; what's being reflected?" Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:8 to fill our thoughts with what is true, noble, admirable, pure, and worthy of praise. Verses like these give me strength so I know what to actively search for as I better my mind, but my study made something about this verse clear to me that I hadn't fully taken to heart before. It was the fact that so often with Phil. 4:8, I see these characteristics as ways to better my mind and heart. But really these are attributes of God, and I'm are called to be like God in every aspect. This verse was not one more thing to check of a get-better-at list; no this was Paul illustrating who our God is and that we are to be more like Him. By filling our mind and heart with characteristics that reflect our Father, we display our Father and that is the ultimate goal. This month, my goal is to center my thoughts on what reflects God, so I can display my God in my actions and through my character. That is a reflective kind of love. Because God Himself is love, and when I aim to be like Him, I am reflecting love. 

So, may this month be filled with decadent desserts, punny valentines, and above all real love. My hope for this month is I take what I've shared and live it out. I challenge you too, to take what you've read and make the most of this month by the way you show your love. Our love is no little thing, it has great power and an even greater testimony, for our love reflects what is on our hearts. My hope is that is always God. 


One more thing!! I've got a new recipe for you - take a peek at the bottom of this post!

prep time: 25 min - cook time: 5 min - total time: 30 min

These bars are quite possible my new favorite snack bar. They are such an easy gift or a great thing to tag onto your breakfast. Personally, I'd eat 'em for all three meals, but my mom says I can't have a bar at all three meals. Oh well, I'll make a whole bunch and claim them. Did I really mean the whole give these bars away thing...? They're just that good. Their crunchy and chewy, equally salty and sweet, and absolutely scrumptious. They are beyond easy to make, gluten free, and protein packed. Now who wouldn't pass up a bar like that. After you try this recipe, I'm sure it's bound to become one of your new favorites too!!

I n g re d i a n t s: 
2 cups Almonds
2/3 cups Puffed rice cereal
2/3 cups Raisins
1/2 cup Unsweetened coconut
1/3 cup Agave syrup
2 tbs Honey
1 tsp Vanilla extract

D i r e c t i o n s:
1. Line an 8 x 8 baking dish with parchment paper and set aside
2. In a large bowl combine almonds, raisins, cereal, and coconut an set aside
3. In a small saucepan over medium high heat, stir honey, agave, and vanilla. Stir occasionally until boiling. Let mixture boil for 4-5 min, continue to stir occasionally. (The sauce will bubble up, so make sure to keep an eye on it)
4. Once ready, pour syrup over almond mixture and quickly toss to evenly coat. (the syrup will begin to harden) I started out using a wooden spoon and ended mixing with my hands. 
5. Once the bar mixture is evenly coated, transport to baking dish and press bars into the dish in an even layer. (you can use your hands or the bottom of a measuring cup) 
6. Let the bars cool for thirty minutes in the fridge before cutting. Then remove parchment paper and bars and cut into 8 equal pieces. 
7. Store in an air tight container and enjoy!! (bars will last up to 10 days)

I'd love to hear your thoughts!! Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this post and if you gave these bars a try!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

In Spirit and in Truth

     Hello everyone, hope you all are having a fantastic kick start to the new year. I know I am. I'm super pumped about all my goals and everything 2017 has in store. I know it's going to be a great year, because I'm going into it knowing what I want out of it. One thing I want to be better about is blogging more. I want to stay consistent with this blog because sharing my writing and ideas is something I love, and sharing it with all you is even better. I do ask that you look to the right of this post and click the follow box to start following my blog. With every new reader and every consistent reader, you all are motivating and encouraging me to keep going with my blog. By following, it will be a huge support to my writing and would mean the absolute world to me. Increasing my blog audience is a huge goal for me, but I can't do it without you, so, please take a quick break from reading this, click the follow button, then head back here to continue reading. Thank you so much!!

-- But the time is coming - indeed it's here now - when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. John 4:23 --

     This year, I've continued starting my day in God's word, and I've started a new reading plan where it takes you through the entire New Testament in a year. A little less intimidating than the entire Bible, but just as fulfilling. With this reading plan, it starts with John then on the weekend it brings in an Old Testament passage that corresponds with the New Testament reading. I've only been at it for a week, but so far I'm really enjoying it. I love the slower pace after last year's plan. It allows me to really pour into the scripture and apply a more applicable view to what I'm reading. This Thursday I read John 2, an all too familiar part of scripture, but this time reading it through, I applied a new perspective to the word I was reading. Verses 13-22 portray the story of Jesus clearing the Temple. After the wedding in Cana, Jesus walks into the Temple to find it filled with merchants selling animals for sacrifices and people charging high rates for currency exchanges. Jesus, immediately filled with a righteous rage, drives the people from His Father's Temple. He yells out, "Get these things out of here. Stop turning my Father's house into a marketplace" (2:16) I had read this part of scripture many times before, but this last week I stopped, read over it again and a thought occurred to me. My earthly body is a Temple for God as stated in 1 Corinthians 6:19, "Do you not realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself." I don't belong to myself, I belong solely to Christ who has placed His Holy Spirit within me. 
     But much like the people in John 2, I have neglected the Temple's true purpose. I have filled it with unholy things and my own selfish desires. The Temple is a place of worship and praise and I've replaced that with my own pride. When I do this, God loses all credit for his creation and all authority over His Temple. I have filled my heart with worldly things, yet I justify saying "No, this is really for God," Who am I kidding. I know deep down this is all for me, and I know deep down it's only a matter of time before Christ comes in and clears His Temple. With passion and jealousy He clears our hearts and empties our Temple of all that is unholy. We stand empty and may feel lost. I know I've felt that way. So often we can get very comfortable in our way of life when we're in control, and when change makes it's way to center stage, we back down and shut out. I know I do it. I creep back to my old way of living out of fear all too often. After Jesus clears the Temple in John 2, He remains within the Temple. And today is no different. When Jesus clears our Temples creating a void within us, He fills the void with His presence and remains. Jesus becomes the things that will fill us, and I take so much comfort in that promise. When Jesus remains, we ourselves need to refocus our attention back to Him. Our bodies are a Temple, and a Temple is a place of worship and praise. My heart becomes filled with praise and glory for God and all He is capable of within my life. 
     Worship is a key part to our relationship with Christ. By our worship, it keeps us focused on who receives all the credit and who remains in the center of our hearts. To continue striving for a Christ like character, we must live out an active worship that is rooted in our Temples. Begin your day with reading His word, seek God in every decision you make, Remember to thank Him for all He's graciously done in your life. With daily praises such as those, we are filling our hearts with praise for our God, and worshipping Him in all we do. It may be a reality switch for some of us, it was for me when I decided to refocus. But, believe me, it's made all the difference. By refocusing my gaze on Christ, I've able to appreciate Him in all the little things around me. I've been able to recognize I don't belong to myself, but am able to act upon the Holy Spirit I'm filled with to better enhance God's kingdom. I've understood better that what fills my heart dictates my character, and I so badly want that to be God, so I can better show who He is. I encourage you stop and earnestly ask God to clear you and refill you with Himself so that you may be able to experience what a wonderful life He has to offer you.
      This year, I am going to actively increase my worship so I can then strengthen my relationship with God. Because I am His Holy Temple on earth, I want to be filled with gratitude for all God has done for me and for His constant presence in my life. No matter how many times I fill my heart with the things of this world, Jesus will still come in, clear me out, and remain because of His everlasting love and faithfulness. Now, I'm not saying that's an excuse to waver between God and this world, for we are not to have a double sided loyalty. But there is hope in God's promise of always restoring us and always remaining the center of our lives when we allow Him to come in and clear our Temples. 

      If you hadn't at the beginning, please take a moment to scroll back up and follow my blog. And you can also follow me on Instagram for updates on when a blog is posted and the going ons of my day to say life. - My Instagram Also, I love hearing from you all; so comment below what you thought or even what you'd like see in my blog this upcoming year. Thanks again!!