Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Holiday Season

Hello everyone,
     Don't get me wrong, I heart thanksgiving, but I have been ready for Christmas since October. Like seriously. Christmas is my most favorite and I go to the nines with this holiday. As I stated in my previous post, my house could safely pass for a Hallmark card. Ornaments from five generations adorn my tree. Lights outline every window. A whole collection of various snowmen have gladly taken up residence on the coffee table. Seven different Santas, six classic Christmas books, four sets of holiday coffee mugs, two sets of Christmas china, and a partridge in a pear tree. Not really, I don't quite know what a partridge is. But you get the picture. Christmas is my jam, and I get it for an entire month, so I'm soaking it all up. Ok, I have a question. How is it that I listen to Christmas music once a year for one month and remember every word and song, but I can't seem to remember geometry from last week? Priorities, I guess.
Time to break out those red
Starbucks cups
     Our thanksgiving was a different one this year. For the past five years it's only been the four of us for dinner, then out to the movies shortly afterwards. This year's dinner was entirely made from scratch. No Libby's pumpkin pie, no box mix stuffing, no canned cream of mushroom. Don't hear me wrong; I'm a huge fan of both flavor and convenience of all afore said, but my mama and I challenged our culinary skills to undertake thanksgiving from scratch. Two days and twelve hours later, a homemade thanksgiving was made. We were awfully curious to see if all the work would be worth it, or if we'd even notice a difference between the meals. can. I don't know if we can go back now. But reflecting on the recent twelve hour excursion, a box mix and a frozen pie crust is still quite scrumptious. All of the recipes we used were found on the highly acclaimed and delicious America's Test Kitchen . I highly recommend every single recipe for homey comfort food goodness!!
     I am going to the max with this Christmas season and I am going to be sharing with you all the ways I'm going to embracing the holidays ranging from decor to recipes. I have a couple of each already at the end of this post!!
     This holiday I'm really taking initiative to realize the things I love to do and to do them more frequently. I love baking, it brings me such a genuine joy that gets me all smiles whenever I get the chance. What better time to embrace that hobby than at Christmas time? I'll be D.I.Y-ing like nobody's business, decking my halls with boughs of holly, twinkling lights, and strings of cranberries and popcorn. Oh yes; cranberries and popcorn! I encourage you to take a look at this all too joyous season and do a whole bunch that truly makes this the most wonderful time of the year. And continue doing what you love even after the holiday, making every part of the year the most wonderful. Take this holiday to practice sincere joy and true happiness so you're all geared up for 2017. Make the most of this last month to make your hobbies habits and your personality character.
     So jam out to Mariah Carey on repeat, bake dozens of sugar cookies, Hallmark Store your house, and in the thick of it all embrace it. Don't take a single moment for granted.
     "And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start."

- D.I.Y. Golden Ornaments -
Alright, if your a fan of all things glitter than this one is for you. This is such an easy project that takes no time at all, and results in four (or more if you're ambitious 😉) simple preppy ornaments adorned with a simple holiday message. These ornaments quickly became some of my favs and I'm sure you'll love them too after you see how effortless they are and how they make a lovely addition to any tree.
• Four white clay ornaments (can be bought at Hobby Lobby)
• liquid Elmer's glue
• Gold glitter
• A thick paintbrush
• Painters tape
• Styrofoam plates
• Sharpie
Place an ornament on a styrofoam plate and take a piece of painters tape. Tape the piece at an angle on the ornament (any way you'd like) and smooth out all bumps. Once tape is smoothly applied, apply a thin layer of glue across the bottom of the taped off section and spread even lay with your paintbrush. Then the fun part: the glitter ✨ Sprinkle the gold glitter over the glue until no more glue is visible and shake it off. I used the excess glitter on mine for the other ornaments you end up having enough to go around. Wait 10-15 to let glue completely dry before writing your holiday message. Once completely dried, grab your sharpie and write right above your gold space your fave holiday message. See, these are super easy no if deal projects that are great additions to your Christmas decorations and even great for gift ideas. Let me know in the comments below if you tried this out and what you thought!!

- Protein Energy Bites - 
     Energy bites are these fun sized bites of yummy and they are probably some of my favorite things to make because there are so many variations and SO EASY  once you have a base recipe. Lucky for you, I've whipped one up and I've even thrown in a couple of holiday energy bites.
Ingredient for Base Recipe:
This is the batter of the Mint Chocolate Chip
energy bites.
• 1 cup of oats (any type is fine, I used rolled oats)
• 1/2 cup of peanut butter (any nut butter substitute)
• 1/4 cup honey
• 2 scoops of Designer Whey Protein Powder ( the flavor of the protein powder depends on what other flavored you want to add in to the base recipe)
Combine all the ingredients to a medium sized bowl and mix until thoroughly combined. I strongly suggest using your hands for this part, for they are the best tools in the kitchen. The consistency should resemble a sticky dough.

Yields 10
• Base recipe - for protein powder, use vanilla flavored
• 1 tsp Vanilla
• 1/2 tsp Gingerbread
• 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
• 1/4 tsp nutmeg
• 1/8 tsp of cloves
Combine all ingredients to a medium sized bowl and mix until
thoroughly combined. Again use those hands 🙌 After you have
your sticky dough, take a small portion and roll in between your
hands until a ball is formed. You should get about ten bites.

Yields 10
•Base recipe - for protein powder use chocolate flavored
• 3 tbs Mini Dark chocolate chips
• 1/4 tsp Peppermint extract
Combine all ingredients to a medium sized bowl until desired
dough-like consistency is formed. Grab a small portion and
begin rolling between your hands until a ball is formed.
Should get about ten.

These energy bites are a great addition to a breakfast, easy to grab on the go, and good little snacks to keep around. I  love these flavors because you know, it's the holiday season and why not. Try out this recipe and let me know what you thought either in the comments below or on my Instagram ( emma_surrett ). With the base recipe you can add in any flavor combos you want, that's why these bits are so addictive. They're crazy easy to make and dangerous to leave out.
     Hope you enjoy the recipe and ornament idea. If say it's beginning to lol a lot like Christmas around here. 🎄


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Hey There

     Finally, I'm breaking out the sweaters because Arizona has just recently realized it's winter and it should start acting as such. Holiday vibes are in full swing, the sweater cravings are real, and 70 degree weather is becoming a reality. About time. I cannot wait for my first Starbucks drink of the year. PSL is out, bring on the Gingerbread Latte! I'm so looking forward to everything season has in store.
      I've not written in awhile and the urge to write something could never be stronger than it has been this past month. God is doing some pretty cool things with me right now and I'm super stoked about what's going on. I'm not going to fill this up with excuses for my absence, instead I'm just going to let you now what's new in my little world. This November has been unexpected in most ways. A lot of little things have popped up where I thought I had control but quickly found out I did not. The result turned actually better than what I had been planning. Funny how that works out, when you release control and results turn out better for you. That's been a reoccurring theme for me this month.
These lovely kiddos stole my heart the minute
I met them. Shortly after this picture was taken, they all
started building a house of their own with whatever we weren't
using. Seriously the cutest thing ever.
     Last week, I on went on the annual Rocky Point, Mexico mission trip with my youth group. I felt this Mexico trip was unlike any other. I felt I knew my God better and I knew myself better too, and that played into every part of the experience. I went on this trip stronger and more confident. Before the trip is was a kind of in an unhappy place about certain relationships and ended up blaming myself for things that weren't my fault. My whole demeanor had lacked energy and enthusiasm and I was losing a little bit of myself to things that I wasn't responsible for. I was really looking forward to Mexico, because Mexico has always been a happy place for me. It was a place I could go and serve my little heart out. So, I went with an attitude of this weekend is all about building God's kingdom and this is
something that brings you joy. I went looking at the mission trip as an outlet for my joy that comes from serving and building relationships. I grew closer to so many people I hadn't really talked to much before the trip and went out of my comfort zone on the work site. I stepped up in ways I knew I could and really embraced the leader side of me. Nothing felt better. I loved every second of the trip, because every second of the trip God was at work and His hand was evident in the lives of everyone there. This trip meant so much to me, because I went in with set mindset of this is all so much bigger than me. When I returned home I had a renewed joy about me. I saw what I was capable of there, and knew there was no reason I couldn't bring that home with me. I'm choosing to be intentional about everything and the genuinely find joy in everything. Mexico showed me I have plenty to be grateful for and I take to much for granted. I need to embrace every big and little blessing and apply that to my character. Oh, I brought home some authentic handmade Mexican tortillas that can literally change one's world. So yeah, God gets all the credit for my renewed joy, but man do those tortillas bring a smile to my face. I'm pretty positive they had something to do with it all too.
     A few days when I arrived home from Mexico, I lost my job. For about four months I had been working as a social media manager for a wonderful gal who is doing some pretty amazing things. I was very excited about the job and everything it had in store, and was getting really good at it. But after four months, the pace had slowed down dramatically and I was becoming uncertain about when I would begin back up again. Unfortunately, I didn't. Where my boss was at with the business, another employee didn't make sense at the time. It stung. It was my first job and I felt myself maturing and becoming as I like to put it: adulty. I had a bank account set up, I got my first debit card, and my official title was Assistant at a Productions Firm. Super fancy, I know! But when it all ended, I felt annoyed at first, but the day after it came to me. Of course this is all part of God's plan and this is where He needs me right now. Work was taking up a lot of my time and I was neglecting time for myself and time for others even. Out of the job feels like a welcome break. I feel like I'm finally catching my breath and becoming more intentional about what's important to me. So, this is what a break feels like? I like it, I'm taking full advantage of this. For the rest of 2016, I'm taking my time in it all, not feeling the need to rush anything. With the renewed joy from Mexico and the gift of rest from my job I'm feeling pretty great. I'm focusing more on how I can lead and be more intentional with the here and now.
      With this new found joy and perspective and I'm looking at all the things that make me a happy lil' bean. Recently, I found that baking does that for me. It's my jam. I don't know if it's the incoming holiday season (which I'm ecstatic about) or if it's just the slowing way down and God's just like "Em, you like making sweet goodies; do more of that." So here I am baking more and expanding my horizon. I got a little taste of extreme baking from my Sweet 16, when I made everything entirely from scratch and I loved it!! I realized, if baking is something that brings me this much joy, why am I not doing more of it. I've stopped hesitating and doubting and just did it. This is gonna be my homemade holiday season. When I think about baking I get all giddy. I'm convinced that something made by hand is bound to taste better than anything from a box; though one can never go wrong with a box mix brownie. Once I get a few recipes under my belt, I'll share with you. But as of speaking I an expert when it comes to licking the spoon and need a little more practicing. With this upcoming holiday season, I promise I'll throw you plenty of goodies your way.
     AHHH!! This holiday season! I'm so excited for this Christmas, because we are doing it up proper this year. The bucket list and the FOMO is real. We, Surretts, are not leaving anything out this season. We're cramming it all in and making this Christmas Halmark Card worthy. I will definitely keep you updated with more regular posts, because I want you as involved this Christmas as I'm going to be. I see that I have a lot of international readers (which blows my mind!!) and would absolutely love to hear from you in the comment section below about any holiday traditions you have or any plans you're coming up with to make this the season that trumps all seasons. I love hearing from everyone and want to know you all better. If you want updates on my blog you can follow me on Instagram - @emma_surrett. Or if you wanna know where I'm getting all my holiday inspiration this year, you can follow me on Pinterest - Emma Surrett.