Friday, May 20, 2016

Simplified Priorities

Dear Readers
   On Tuesday, I had my wisdom teeth pulled out, and let me tell you, this isn't fun. I look like a chipmunk, my cheeks are so swollen. No pictures, take my word. The only things I can eat for the next two weeks are foods that are on a spoon or come through a straw. There's an abundance of mashed potatoes and ice cream in my house currently, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Lots of resting for me, according to my sister who also qualifies as my nurse for these next two weeks. But, I am not writing to you about wisdom teeth, that would be a dull post. Today I'm writing to you about a trip mom, Jill, and I took last week that inspired a new perspective in me.

-- "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the LORD, not for human masters." Colossians 3:23 --
My favorite part of the trip was seeing this house. I fell in
love with this lemony yellow, Victorian house. If
possible, I would live there. 


Last Thursday, mom, Jill, and I went to Pioneer Village which is in North Phoenix, a.k.a. the other end of the earth for us who live in the East Valley. Pioneer Village is just that, a village including houses and businesses from the 1860s-1890s. It was quite captivating to see all the houses that were actually lived in and to see all the businesses that were actually used. We walked around the entire village, hitting up the cheesy gun show, catching the burned down bakery, seeing more pioneer houses, falling in love with the school house, and finding inspiration. It was hot, it was dusty, it was long walks everywhere, and it it was life in the 1860s.

All the old carriages and farm equipment made for great
black and white pictures.
     The pioneers lead a fascinating life. It was hard work for them, but inspiring for me. What made the pioneer life so desirable was their hardworking nature. If they wanted anything, a dream to come true or a meal to put on the table, they worked for it. Their life style was much more simplified then the lifestyles we lead today. Even though their work was difficult, their lives were simplified. There weren't a lot of distractions. The pioneers found what was important to and made it their priority. They were focused and diligent, which created a more simplified lifestyle.    

Towards the end of the trip, mom, Jill, and I
found a miner's cabin and a rail road. It was
eerie and vacant with cable cars scattered
about. We had fun with the rail road track
taking many pictures. 
      That's what made the trip so inspiring: the hard, diligent work of the pioneers. It made me stop and look at my own life to find what was important and re-prioritize. I should become more focused on my goals and passions in the same way the pioneers were. When I do that, I will then lead a more simplified life. And that's really all I want, a life solely centered on the things that are important to me with few distractions. If there is any positive to wisdom teeth it would be the time. The time I have to focus on the things important to me and to rearrange priorities.